
1st & 2nd Year Studio

Hi Everyone,
Thank you for your enthusiastic and energetic participation in the model making workshops today.
To clarify what you are required to do over the next few days please read the time line below:

MONDAY & TUESDAY NIGHT (self-directed)
Complete research of your designer and prepare your written statement and images. Research may take the form of books and magazines in the library (unitec or auckland city), internet (particularly the official website of the designer and any published writing about them). Remember to keep a record of research sources.

Come up with ideas and at least 5 options for you document. Think through scale, materials, format (2D or 3D). All decisions should be made with reference to your fashion designer & the ideas you are focusing on in the document. Record this process in your visual diary.

Choose your best option to present to the class on Wednesday.

(with Kylie and Rachel)

1. Present your research on your fashion designer comprising of:

A written page summarising the key ideas you have drawn from your research (the designer's ideas, methodology, formal attributes of their work). You will need to bring 2 copies.

Visual research comprising of thoughtfully selected images of your designer's work (or details of their work), and/or drawings. These must be large enough to display on the wall.

2. Also present your ideas for your document. Present your idea visually (eg a sketch) as well as verbally.

3. Bring your chosen materials and media to commence work on the document.

(with Jacqui and Kylie)

Work on your document.
Discuss your document with tutors (informal).

with Sue & Jacqui)

Present your document at 9.30am to the class.
Include a written paragraph about the ideas and process you have explored in your document.

Keep up the great work everyone.